Friday 25 October 2013

I suppose writing on this blog is a good way to get things out rather than having it bottled up but I always tell my kids that if your inside voice comes out make sure it's somewhat polite. Well, I guess I should practice what I preach because in the long run do we ever want to hear from the kids "Mom, that was your inside voice, not nice!!". No but I find that some people can bring out the inner monster that has been lurking for awhile and wants to get out. Case in point, my daughter's father likes to push buttons that he knows I will explode at, even if he breathes that bugs me, or when my son says "mom, we have no food but can you make me breakfast" that sometimes does it. Frustration with everyday life can be challenging but at the end of the day if I can go through it with a bunch of laughter, smiles, real or fake I am doing good. Bring on the inner voice!!!

Till next time...

Wednesday 23 October 2013

When did it come to the point when you borrow money from your child, maybe $20 bucks and then they say to you "when are you paying it back". Well, it's probably when they have their first job and all their money goes to them but it's hilarious when they look at you with this adamant look and say "well, right down how much you owe me and don't forget". Do they not know that they owe you $2,958,000.95? I wonder if they wrote that

Till next time....

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Kids are so wonderful at any age, they give you pride, smiles when your not looking and when they get older they give you grief cause they know everything. I have found out from my son that he knows everything!! Mind you he is 26 has had a family, a car, many responsibilites and has had many ups and downs in life so far...NOT!!. LOL...he makes me laugh...see they still put a smile on your face at any time.

My daughter is the same and she is the best at knowing everything, it's so funny. She thinks that if someone says the sky is purple polka dot she believes them...she is so much like me, very nieve. She is so knowledgable about computers but when one of mine fell to a virus I asked her to help me with it. After a few moments of clicking the mouse, pounding the keyboard she put her hands up and said "It's broke" looked at her and said "no kidding", oh well, so much for the knowledge.

If you are taking the advise of your children at any age my advise to moms is to smile and nod...alot!!!

Till next time.....

Sunday 20 October 2013

I hope my blog will help some single moms feel that it is not a scary place to raise a child by themselves. I am not going to give wisdom or pointers, unless asked, but my experience of raising children by myself. I have 3 children and 2 of them I was married to their dad until they were older, like 11 and 13. I also have a daughter who is 11 now and I have raised her as a single mom since she was born. Her dad was helpful abit for 6 years then I married him now we are not. I could tell you it was easy raising my daughter but I won't cause some days were great and some were not. I could give you insight as to the trick of keeping your sanity when they are crying at 3 am and you have no clue what to do but i can't. Being a single mom is hard but wonderful cause if you think about it you don't have that other person telling you "you put the diaper on wrong and he doesn't even know where the diapers are in the room". I am only here to say that once they look at you for the first time and smile that's all worth it, the first step you get to see. All the firsts are yours to savor and of course the dreaded flu, diarehha, runny nose, and chicken pox. Chicken pox was my all time favorite so far. Vanessa had the chicken pox when she was around 2 years old and I soaked her in the tub with aveena oatmeal bath stuff. It worked for the amount of time she was in there but after she dried off all it did was make her smell like yucky oatmeal, which is my favorite smell in the whole wide world. I then coated her with calamine lotion which then she looked like the pepto bismol girl, but the worst part for her was that she had marks on her bum and for her to relieve them she slid on the carpet like a dog with worms. It was so funny that I let her do that until she got up, my best part of it. Yes, I know bad mom but after all the times she was up at 3am crying cause it itched that was my relief. Lol...

Till next time.....
I have just created my own blog which I got the idea from a friend of mine who is such an inspiration to me. I have been a single mom for many years and I would like to give my experience as one but also look forward to hearing other stories.